About Mandy

Her way to the music
Singer and songwriter JUST Mandy grew up in the countryside as the eldest of four siblings. Her stage name JUST Mandy comes from a pun with your middle name. From an early age, she was enthusiastic about everything that made noises. Whether children’s piano, drum, blades of grass later on a real piano, flute, guitar, keyboard or even their parents' record player – everything had a magical attraction for them.
Early performances, competitions and songwriting
So it was predictable that she would present herself early in competitions and place at competitions, attend the conservatory and the music academy. In the period after that, practically no karaoke competition was safe from her.
JUST Mandy began composing herself early. She can express herself best in songs. Their language is music. The first studio recordings were made at the age of 21. She has appeared on radio stations, summer parties and open air events. Eventually, life came in between.n.
Reboot with new ideas
After Mandy regained her voice in 2017, she created several cover songs, which she published on her Facebook page Mandy Sings. At the end of 2020, she met an old friend who was a professional musician and in January the first songs were written together with singer and songwriter Alex Nolze.
JUST Mandy got his taste back and decided to re-release a few compositions. With positive text. JUST Mandy loves to encourage you with your lyrics. In addition, she also implemented new ideas. She just can’t get enough of it.
The musical brand "JUST Mandy" stands for a breakthrough
Today JUST Mandy presents herself to her fans under her own brand. Her musical and at the same time unusual aim is not only to touch people emotionally and to give joy to sound melodies, but also to consciously trigger something in them. Through and through her music, she understands it like a coach to move many people again for something new – to break out again and to inspire oneself anew. Just as an airline once put it in its commercial: "When was the last time you did something for the first time?"